Job market is evolving everyday & technology has definitely integrated with it. As new companies & talents are emerging, text based resume have taken refuge!
A video resume can be a plus & a add on to your job application. In this article we shall explore about what video resume is & its ideal length.
A video resume is an introduction of you in form of a video. It allows you to speak one on one with your potential employer. It gives you opportunities to showcase all the skills that you would mention in a text based resume.
When you’re in the creative industry, many parts of your job will require showing your creative side. This can be a good opportunity to do so. Adding captions, light music, timelines & more. Some interpersonal skills like communication can also be reflected here!
If you’re unsure about Why you should use a video resume, read here:
But the real question is, how long should an effective video resume be?
Well, it is ideal is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It just depends on the role you’re applying for! If you apply for an internship, a 30 seconds video would be enough to introduce yourself, & if you have a story to tell, make it up for 2 minutes. But make sure, you do not extend more than this limit as it is less likely to be attentive.
Hope this helps, stay tuned for more tips!